IR ID No. of my referrer*: hd926811
You can also join this huge sales network and connect to my right or left. To continue and expand this global network, everyone has to introduce two others after joining the company and the network, and to Connect to your left and right side and you can now connect to my right and left by my id and launch your store, before you read the company's pdf
Let's go hand in hand and develop this business all over the world. With the expansion of this new and global business, we can see wealth and abundance around the world and reduce poverty, hunger and economic downturn, and invite the world to peace and reconciliation, and to prevent racial discrimination and ethnic and religious disputes, since by forming The network of human beings is committed and committed, and an integral and high-income chain of all kinds of religious and religious minorities around the world.
IR ID No. hd926811
By expanding network marketing in the country and among friends and relatives, we will help the international community in economic growth and poverty alleviation.